A carefree life
Think about how the amount of mental energy that is spent on worrying. You can choose to worry about anything - your health, your relationship, your finances, your children, your weight, and on and on. Here's an exercise in the effectiveness of worrying. Think of a situation that is bringing up worry for you. Now focus your attention on that worry with as much intensity as you can. After doing so, think about that situation again. How has it changed after your exercise? Is there more money in your bank account? Are you now happily married? Have you lost 20 pounds? What may change for you is your physical state after you have done this. You have now created a stressor that affects your blood pressure and other physical functions. The key to a carefree life, one that is free of worry, is to examine your situation and take the necessary actions to address the problem. Do you need to have a savings plan, go to couples counseling, or start exercising to lose weight? Take the action and release the outcome. You will find that you will be healthier and happier. What did you learn from your exercise of focusing on worry?
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