A catalyst for change
While there is debate over whether or not Gandhi actually said, "We must be the change we want to see in the world," the words speak for themselves. You begin with your desire for what that change would be. Do you desire to see more love being expressed in the world? Do you desire to see prosperity shared across the planet? Do you desire to see more beauty in the world? Once you have identified your desire, think of how you could create its presence beginning with yourself. What actions would you need to take to have this change become a way of life? Would you need to be a shining example of how love, prosperity, and beauty can be demonstrated? Would you need to join with others of like mindedness? Now ask yourself how committed you are to becoming a catalyst for the change you wish to see. You may have to be willing to face resistance and rebuke from those who do not share your vision of change. Are you willing to pay that price? You will likely only pursue that for which you have a passion and a dedication. Finally take the steps for such a change to occur. Even if you only make a small ripple of change, it is still a change and perhaps years later it may reach into the world like a tsunami. The results may be nothing short of a miracle. But that change is less likely to occur without you making a conscious effort to initiate it. What do you desire to be a catalyst for change today and what do you envision the world looking like as a result of that change?
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