A class act
What does it mean when someone is referred to as having "class"? What comes to mind for me is an individual who treats everyone with dignity and respect, is aware of what they have without flaunting it, and displays confidence in who and what they are. In today's world it isn't easy to identify public figures who would qualify for having class. When I state this I have to remind myself that this is based on my standards of what class would be. It is easier for me to select a person from those I know personally since I tend to see them across a variety of settings. More important is whether or not I see myself as a class act. How do I match those standards I have set for others to myself? This is a question for each of us to ask on a regular basis. What would I need to do to be the person that others would quickly identify as having class? For me it would be focusing on the characteristics identified at the beginning of this blog and engaging in them throughout my day. It would also involve questioning an action I had just taken as to how it fit with my idea of what class is. It isn't beyond achieving in life. What would being a class act look like for you and what would you be willing to do to be one?
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