A fresh start
No matter what your life has been up to this point, you can choose to make changes today. You can surrender the "That's just the way I am" approach to life that keeps you acting in ways that no longer serve you or others. Choose a behavior or thought pattern that you wish to alter. Perhaps you would like to be more generous. I made such a decision and throw all of my loose change into a box. Whatever I have collected by the end of the year will be donated to a local charity. My belief today is that I am given all that I need to live a life commensurate with my purpose. When I do this I find that the circumstances that support it are obvious. I feel happier and any worries I might have seem irrelevant. Making a fresh start is a commitment you can make to yourself on a daily basis. You don't have to do it perfectly. Only through a conscious effort will these changes become a habit for you. We know that it takes at least 21 days for this to occur. Think of a healthy habit that you practice and how it became a part of your daily routine. It wasn't always comfortable at first, but now you probably do it without thinking much about it. What you choose will be unique to you and what you desire in life. Know that you have the power and the resources to make it so. What would you include in your fresh start today?
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