A meaningful life

November 17, 2024

The time we spend on this planet constitutes a blink of an eye when we consider its place in eternity. Yet your presence here is no less significant than all of the galaxies that exist. Ask yourself what you are doing each day to experience a meaningful life that reflects your magnificence. What gifts have you been given and how are you using them to serve the rest of mankind? If you have the git of caring, are you using it to tend to yourself and others? If you have the gift of humor, what are you doing to bring laughter into the lives of those around you? Your gifts are like tiny seedlings that require all the right ingredients to thrive. When you neglect them, they become dormant. Look for ways to nurture your gifts and watch how they can make a difference in your life and those whose lives you touch. Think of those with the gift of writing and the millions of lives they have affected over the centuries. The gift you express today may have a ripple effect that continues throughout the upcoming generations. It will never happen unless you use it. So instead of playing video games or watching TV reality shows all day, consciously choose to practice one of your gifts. Which gift will you practice today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.