A time to reflect
As the year ends, take the opportunity to focus on your accomplishments over the past twelve months. I traveled to three different continents, gave presentations to groups on the importance of positive thinking, and started this blog. Each of these accomplishments is a direct result of setting forth an intention and knowing that it would manifest itself in my life. I have one intention that is still on its way to manifesting. It is interesting that the obstacle that I created to prevent it from happening was made clear to me recently, and the resources needed to remove that block have come into my life. As I continue to strengthen my belief in the principles of the Law of Attraction, I see more evidence of it working in my life. This is a time to express gratitude and appreciation for all that I have in my life. I was sharing with friends last night that, what we might consider to be a modest lifestyle, would be seen by many of the inhabitants of this planet as one of wealth. I am aware of the non-physical gifts I have been given such as understanding and acceptance, and have watched them grow throughout the year. The more I focus on the gifts the Universe has given me, the more the Universe sends my way. I eagerly await the upcoming year knowing that all that I desire is already on its way. What has the past year brought you that shows that the Law of Attraction is working in your life?
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