Amazing coincidences

June 14, 2018

What most people call coincidence, I choose to call synchronicity. Although I am not a frequent television viewer, I turned the TV on to catch the last segment of a movie called "Happy." I had no idea it was being broadcast. The segment showed a gentleman speaking to a group of middle school students about the effects of bullying, I was impressed by the way he interacted with the students on the topic since I had once been a school administrator who had to address these behaviors, Several day later I was having lunch with a friend and mentioned the movie. I am not even sure what the reason was for my doing so. My friend not only provided me with the presenter's name, she told me that they had grown up together in the Midwest. She then proceeded to share his story. What were the odds of this happening given there are over 300 million people living in this country? Were these simply a random set of coincidences? I think not. This is another example of how the Universe responds to our thoughts. What you think is what you get. This is the Law of Attraction. What has happened in your life that is proof of synchronicity for you?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.