Any spare change?
I live in close proximity to two large cities frequenting both of them on a regular basis. It is not unusual to be approached by someone who appears to be experiencing hard times. They usually ask if I have any spare change to share with them. My immediate reaction has been to make a decision to donate to their plight based on what they are wearing or doing. I am more reluctant to give them money if they are wearing designer athletic shoes, drinking Starbuck's coffee, or have two small children with them who are obviously not related. As time has passed I have found that I am less judgmental of individuals who approach me seeing them as a reflection of the Universe that created them. I picture them as little children when they were innocent and trusting that the world would give them what they needed. When I take the time to do this it is easier to open my heart and sometimes my wallet. Then I ask myself if I might make more of a difference if I donated to a charitable organization that supports such people. What would happen if I threw my spare change into a jar and made a monthly donation to such a charitable organization? It might be a New Year's resolution that was easier to keep than trying to stick to a diet. Think of ways that you can make a difference for those less fortunate than you. What might that be in the new year?
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