Are you aware?
It isn't unusual to go through the day unaware of what is happening around us. A case in point is, "How many times have you driven between two familiar points and not recall portions of the route?" it is as if you were on automatic pilot. Hopefully there is a level of consciousness that keeps us safe during those moments. Where is our thinking at that time? It certainly isn't focused on our driving. While this is a more serious example of awareness (or the lack of it), there are many other times when we are missing what is happening around us in the moment. We could be talking to a friend and our minds drift to other unrelated thoughts. We could be walking and be unaware of the beauty that surrounds us. We need to be reminded to "take time to smell the roses" in our lives. When we do we feed our souls with the joys of our senses. Awareness comes from being in touch with how our senses interface with our consciousness. Take time to notice your surroundings and what is occurring in the moment. How do you feel when you do this? What is your level of awareness in your day and what might you be missing when you break with it?
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