As I give the world
There is a reminder in a 12-step program that “As I give the world, so the world gives to me.” Ask yourself, “What am I giving to the world today?” Am I sending love and kindness or am I sending suspicion and fear? One way to determine what it is that you are transmitting is to look at your life today. Are you happy with your life circumstances? Now ask yourself if there is anything that could raise your happiness level. Have you been focusing your energy on a person or persons that you resent? Have you been worrying about your finances to the point at which you lose sleep at night? Do you fear spending the rest of your life without a partner? If these are the situations you are facing, take time to replace them with gratitude. Focus on the positive relationships in your life, be grateful for what you have in life that costs nothing, be the person you would want to attract. The more you live with this new mindset, the more life will change. You will begin to notice a new way of being in the world. What are you putting out to the universe and how is it responding to those thoughts and actions?
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