Be gentle with yourself
There are times when we make choices that don't turn out the way we originally had planned. Perhaps the investment you made goes south or a conversation you have with a friend leads to a serious strain on the relationship. We may judge and condemn ourselves with statements such as "How could I have been so stupid?" or "If only I had kept my big mouth shut." These statements may contribute to our feelings of unworthiness and discontent. We ruminate over the incident playing it over and over and simply feeling worse and worse. This is the time to make a choice to feel compassion for yourself. We all do things we regret. It is important that you look at this as a learning experience and begin making positive statements about the incidents. Ask yourself if there is any action you can take to turn matters around for you. Talk to a trusted friend for suggestions on how he or she might handle the situation. I find that talking to such an individual results in learning that I am not unique in the events that occur in my life. When we are gentle with ourselves, answers come in all shapes and sizes. What is happening in your life today that could use a gentle approach to the situation?
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