Better late than never

February 14, 2025

When we think about the lifespan of the universe, time is inconsequential. We may think of ourselves as too old or set in our ways to make a change, but that is limited thinking. Colonel Sanders was 65 when he started Kentucky Fried Chicken. Laura Ingalls Wilder was also 65 when she first published her Little House on the Prairie books. Grandma Moses was 76 before she began her career as an artist. Each of them possessed the potential to pursue their dreams. It was a matter of taking that leap of faith to turn them into reality. These are the success stories that we most often hear about and there are probably hundreds, if not thousands, of other similar stories. And there are the stories of those who took that leap of faith and may not have achieved their dream. It was their willingness to be something more than they were at the moment that mattered. It is what is behind my desire to publish my first book at a time when most people are enjoying retirement. It is the journey and not the destination. Think about what it is that you would like to accomplish in your life. Think about a specific age and ask yourself what it would be like if you dared to take on that dream. What would it take for you make that happen starting today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.