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If you want to know where you are in attracting what you want in life, simply look at the people around you. Is your circle of friends comprised of people who are financially successful or are they struggling to make ends meet? Are they in loving nurturing relationships or constantly reminding those around them how miserable they are with their partner? Are they full of vibrant life or complaining of their aches and pains and lack of energy? Do they wake up each morning eager to face the day and all of its challenges or are they just passing time until their days on earth end? When you take time to assess the status of those around you, you get a strong sense of where you are in your life. What do you do when you find yourself surrounded by people who do not represent what you are hoping to attract? Begin to look for situations in which you can meet people more in alignment with your intentions. Join a gym or a hiking club, volunteer to help at an event that caters to the wealthy, find a couples retreat that focuses on enriching relationships. Once you begin to do this, you will notice positive changes taking place in your life experiences. What are the people around you telling you about where you are in your life today?
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