Born free
How many times do you hear people say, "I could never do that" or "Maybe someday I'll..."? Immediately they reinforce their limiting beliefs. Think of the times that you have done this in your own life. I know I have. Given your freedom of choice, why not choose to take the steps needed to move in the direction of what you desire in life? The worst that could happen is that you learn that this is not something that is in your best interest at this time. The best that could happen is that you begin to live a fuller life. Much of what I have in my life today was outside of what I believed possible until I realized that I was thinking small. I have several lists that I have created. On one of them are the 101 things I want to be, do, or have in my lifetime. On another is what I have already accomplished. I review them periodically and add or subtract from the list based on what has occurred since the last time I read it. I am amazed at what has happened for me, especially since I was not born with the proverbial silver spoon in my mouth. What do you aspire to do knowing that you have the freedom to pursue it?
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