Change, please

February 6, 2020

We have often heard that the only constant in life is change. While many people state that they do not like change, it is inevitable. Each decision we make brings about a change. It may be as simple as a change in food choices, a different route to work, or a more friendly approach to a difficult coworker. Or it may be more complex involving a change in occupations, a decision to end a relationship, or moving to a new city with better job prospects. No matter what change we choose to make, our lives will be forever transformed as a result of it. We can choose to resist or accept change. Changes that resulted in less than desired outcomes can be viewed as opportunities for new learnings. Our changes that resulted in positive outcomes can be used as a guide for others like them. As someone who was resistant to change in the past, I now welcome it as a means to grow and develop. One of the pleasant side effects to approaching change in a positive manner is that I am much happier overall. What changes are you facing today and what can they teach you?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.