Clear as mud

March 15, 2020

There are times when we are facing a situation for which there appears to be no immediate answer. The situation may involve a problem we are having in a relationship, a financial dilemma, or a work-related matter. The more we focus on it, the less clear it becomes. And so we devote more and more of our time and energy to finding the solution. When that solution becomes as clear as mud, it may be time to take another approach to it. Release the how and the control that accompanies it. When I have done this, the answers appear in the most unexpected way. I recall a situation from my past when I fretted over how I would explain to my landlord a problem I was having that could have affected my future in the townhouse I was renting. I rehearsed every possible scenario until I was exhausted. When I finally gave up and called him, his first words were about the problem I was having and we resolved it in about five minutes. This was not a one time occurrence in my life. Think of the ways that letting go has provided you with the answers you were seeking. How has that shown up in your life and what did you learn from it?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.