Discovering love
What is so beautiful about love is that you never have to discover it since it was never buried or lost to begin with. You never have to seek it since it has always been present. All you have to do is be aware of that presence. It is present in bonds that exist between people. It is present in the changing of the seasons, the warmth of a summer day, and the snow-covered mountains. It is present in the laughter of a child, the tears of a parent and a long-lost son or daughter uniting after many years, and the smile of a stranger. Love is eternal and covers not only our planet, but the entire universe. When you search for a specific type of love, you may be closing yourself off to the countless ways in which it already manifests in your life. It is only when you open your heart to the love that is flowing all around you, that you realize that you are blessed with the greatest of all riches. Take time to feel the presence of that love in its many forms. It is not tied to how much you physically give or receive it. Know that it is yours just for being here. It is your undeniable birthright. What evidence do you see of the love that surrounds you today?
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