Do great work
What is the attitude you have toward the tasks you perform throughout the day? Do you pay little attention to the work you do or do you celebrate your tasks as achievements? We sometimes minimize our self acknowledgements hoping that someone else will recognize our efforts. It is wonderful when others call our efforts to public attention, and it is just as important to learn to validate the work you do whether that happens or not. Do great work for the sake of the work itself. Know that what you accomplish has value. Be grateful that you have the skills and talent needed to cook a meal, balance your checkbook, or change a flat tire. Not everyone shares those abilities. Cooking a meal provides nourishment to yourself and others. Balancing your checkbook means that you have the financial resources at hand to cover your mortgage. Changing a flat tire allows you to arrive at work on time. These tasks hold as much importance as making a scientific discovery that changes the way we live. Be mindful of what you do throughout the day. Choose to focus your undivided attention on the task before you reminding yourself that this is your best effort. When the task is completed, tell yourself that this was a job well done. What was the last great work you did?
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