Do you need a new story?
We travel through life with our stories. For some it is a story filled with accomplishments and successes. For many it is their tale of woe. People in the latter category love to meet new people for the express purposes of sharing their tale. They point out how sad their lives are or how they how they have been victimized yet one more time. What they don't realize is that they are attracting more situations to confirm their story. The best way to change your life is to change your story. Begin to focus on what you DO have in life that is positive. Express gratitude. Look for the good in everything that happens. Set positive goals and believe that you have the power to create the life you want. When I was younger, people would tell me that they thought I was my own worst enemy. It was because of my story. When I changed it to a happier, more fulfilling tale, incredible things happened leading to the life I have today. What story are you telling others and do you need a revised version?
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