Eternal bliss

January 9, 2022

When we remember that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, we accept that part of that is simply being human. We are each living out a life based on choices. We choose our actions and emotions throughout the day. Events will occur that elicit joy, anger, sadness, and a host of other feelings. When we accept this as part of our humanness, it makes it easier to walk through whatever is happening knowing that this too shall pass. Are there human beings who live in a constant state of bliss? I haven't met nor heard of one as yet. Even the greatest figures in history were subject to their emotions. It is what adds color to our lives and serves as a barometer for determining actions that will either increase, decrease, or maintain its effects at that time. Whatever is happening in your life, know that it is a part of your incredible journey. What will you experience today that is part of being human?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.