Feeling yourself into the future
While both your thoughts and feelings generate vibrations, it is your feelings that have the greatest effect on what you manifest. You can create an image of what it is that you want to manifest, but it lacks the energy to take it to the next stage. That energy is derived from the feelings that accompany that image. Perhaps you want to manifest a new home. You begin by picturing that home with as much detail as possible, and then injecting all the feelings that would be present living there. You would most likely want to include joy, laughter, comfort, and serenity. Think of yourself sitting at the dinner table with your closest friends with all the feelings just listed. It is by focusing on those feelings that what you desire can enter your life. Now add a layer of gratitude for all that you already have. Be assured that what you desire is already present in the universe. What is required is that you be open to receive it as such. Consider using this approach the next time you are looking to manifest something you desire. You are literally feeling your way into the future. What would the object of your desires feel like when it was present?
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