Forward momentum
What is it that motivates you in life? What force drives you to take action towards your goals? Are you motivated by external factors such as recognition by others, monetary gains, or outshining others around you? Perhaps internal factors are stronger such as the desire to better yourself in the work you do, a sense of accomplishment, or meeting a standard you have set for yourself. It doesn’t matter which of these forces you call upon to take action. The key word here is “action”. An idea is simply a starting point. It is not until you execute an action that change begins to take place. Perhaps you are motivated to write a book. What you will write about is still part of the idea until you write your first word (your action). You may start with the concept and your purpose for writing the book. Then you may create an outline. You may decide to devote a specific amount of time or number of words per day to eventually reach your goal of having a completed book. Each action moves you forward to achieving your desired outcome. Anytime you feel unmotivated to continue, picture the finished product and imagine what it will be like for you to achieve this. You may decide that this is not a task you want to continue, and that is perfectly acceptable if done for the right reasons. This works for anything you wish to accomplish in life. What are you working on now that requires you to take action to continue your forward momentum?
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