Garbage in. Garbage out.
What you think is what you get. Imagine your thoughts to be seeds planted in your mind. When you cultivate thoughts that focus on the positives in life such as joy, love, and gratitude, they will become the source of your well-being. When you sow seeds that are negative in nature such as anger, fear, and shame, they will choke out the good and create more of the same. This is why it is critical to monitor the thoughts and feelings you entertain in your daily life. I have recently become more aware of my own thought processes and the stories I tell myself. Any time a negative thought arises I replace it with a message of love, forgiveness, and gratitude. It dispels the negative thought and results in a day filled with pleasant surprises. Clients who I had not heard from send me an email to schedule an appointment, business problems find healthy solutions, and new opportunities present themselves. Life is amazing. What has changed? It isn't what is happening around me, but the way I choose to address the experiences that cross my path today. That choice has always been mine to make; it is the direction I choose that makes a difference. So why would I want to change something that works so well? What are the thoughts that cross your mind today and what can you do to create ones that are anything but garbage?
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