Go for big
We often think that we should start small with what we ask the Universe to deliver. We think we are only deserving of the extra crumbs that are available. This comes from a belief that we are unworthy to receive all that the Universe has to offer. The exact opposite is true. By our very nature we are qualified to receive our greatest heart's desire. If we believe that we are an extension and manifestation of the source of our being, then why would that source deny itself? It does not run on selfishness or scarcity or lack. It is powered by love to deliver abundance and all that is good. So why not ask for what is in alignment with this belief? Anything is possible. In my list of 101 wishes I have included what would appear easy to deliver and some which are the greatest stretch of my imagination. I know they will all come to be for my highest good. I find that I am just as excited by the small ones as the really big ones. The Universe will not begin with the small ones and work its way up the list. I simply have to be open to their presence in my life. What is your greatest desire today and what are you doing to ask for it to be delivered?
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