Happily ever after
As children we listened to stories and watched movies in which the handsome prince rescued a fair maiden and rode into the sunset. We had a sense that love conquered all adversities. As we grew up we were told that this was simply a fantasy. Perhaps we were missing the point as we listened to adults share their message about the harsh realities of life. Maybe the stories were more about each of our heart's desire to live a life of happiness. The fairy tales were a metaphor for what we each seek. Think about the feelings that accompanied the ending of the story. We felt a sense of warmth, hope, and victory. We truly wished that our lives would turn out in a similar fashion filled with continual happiness. In our adulthood we know that there will be events occurring that bring up feelings of sorrow and loss, but we will find ourselves returning to our natural state of peace and serenity if that is our desired state of being. As I continue to be receptive to the laws of the Universe, I see this happening more and more in my life. We are each capable of creating our own happy endings if we so choose. What does your happy ending look like?
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