Happiness is an inside job

July 20, 2020

Where does happiness reside? Does it reside in the perfect job, the right partner, a million dollar bank account, a home overlooking the ocean? While all of these may contribute to a sense of happiness, they are not its source. Any of them could cease to exist tomorrow. When we look to the outside world to bring us happiness, we are looking for fulfillment from what is temporary. To seek a more permanent sense of happiness, go within. Ask yourself, "When was the last time I felt truly happy?" "How did that feel within my body?" "What was I doing at the time?" For me, it occurs when I recall a memory from my childhood. I am totally in the moment taking in all the sensations accompanying the event. I can still smell the ocean the first time I visited Florida as a three-year-old. I felt a tremendous sense of well-being and serenity. I still have that sense whenever I stand at the ocean shore gazing out at the vastness of the water before me. I can carry that feeling with me wherever I am for however long I choose. In that moment I lose my sense of identity and I feel connected to the planet as a part of the greater whole. How does happiness feel for you?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.