I want to be happy
The idea of being happy is present wherever you look. If you are familiar with the opening lines of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson refers to "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness" as our inalienable rights. Fairy tales end with "And they lived happily ever after." Songs and movies use "happy" within their titles. But what exactly is it to be or feel happy? Why can it seem so elusive? One of the best definitions I recently heard for happiness is that it is a feeling that occurs when all your needs are being met. That might explain why it appears to be so elusive. By their very nature, as needs are filled, they create a void that generates new needs. If your need to feel warm on a cold day is met by putting on a sweater or a blanket, you would experience a brief time of happiness. Then you would focus on your next need that might be dealing with your hunger. If you accept this definition of happiness, then you can appreciate those fleeting moments when they appear rather than existing as a permanent state. It certainly can help make life easier. When was the last time you felt happy and what need was being met at that time?
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