If I had my way
Think of what your world would be like if everything went exactly the way you wanted it. The word, No, would not exist. If you wanted a million dollars, it would be there for you immediately. Anyone you wanted to date would be readily available and eager to go out with you. Everyone would see things just like you do on every level - politically, economically, socially, and spiritually. You would be in total control of every aspect of your life. This would be a world driven by ego. Would this be your perfect world? Perhaps for some it would be. But for most of us it is in the challenges of life that we grow. Some of our biggest "NOs" have been our greatest teachers. They have forced us to pursue other possibilities that have led us to where we are today. If it weren't for some of those "NOs," I wouldn't be writing this blog today. If I had my way, I would be lounging on a beach in Maui. Then I realize that the fulfillment of this experience would only be temporary. So I return my attention to the keyboard and continue to compose my blog entry. I know having my way is about doing what is in front of me in the best way I can. One task at a time. The only control I have is over myself and sometimes even that seems questionable. What would the world be like if you had your way?
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