In your dreams
There is a line in a Shakespeare play that tells us that "we are such stuff as dreams are made of." What a great reminder of the effect that our dreams have upon us. There are the dreams we experience as we sleep and the dreams that we hold in our conscious thoughts. Both are gifts that help us identify what we desire in our lives. When we were children we would share with people our dreams of what we wished the future to hold for us. It could have been a specific career, a life partner, or a trip to some exotic location. This was only a starting point, for dreams without action are simply dreams. For us to achieve that dream as a reality we had to take certain steps. To enter a certain career we had to follow an educational path to obtain the skills and knowledge to get us there. We had to go through the process of dating to find our ideal mate. Or we had to book travel arrangements to arrive at our dream vacation location. What we dream is limited only by our imagination. What we do to realize our dreams is limited only be what we are willing to do to attain them. What is your dream for today and what are you doing to make it a reality?
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