It's crystal clear
As this year approaches its end, use the last few remaining days to contemplate what you would like next year to look like. One ability I would like to see everyone practice in the upcoming year would be clarity. Clarity involves freedom from ambiguity or indecisiveness. Think of what the world would be like if each person was clear in what he or she was sending out into the universe knowing that it would be delivered as stated. Would you wish ill of others if you knew they were doing the same to you? Or would you be clear that sending thoughts of peace, abundance, and good health to everyone would not only benefit others, but would return tenfold to you. We live in a world where love and fear coexist side by side. Our fear is based on our forgetfulness of the gifts we have been given. When you take time to remember what those gifts are, the world looks different. You can see it with crystal clarity. What do you want this upcoming year to look like for you and for those around you?
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