Just say NO
I have had experiences in my life in which someone offered me a proposition that appeared to be the answer to my prayers. At the time the decision to pursue the proposition felt like the right thing to do. As time passed I realized that the decision I had made did not bring about the results I planned. Looking back at the decision, it would have been helpful for me to ask myself, "What information do I need before I agree to this?" By giving myself time to research a proposal, I might be less quick to say, "Yes." I would also have the time to ask for guidance and clarity from the Universe knowing that I will always get what I need to move forward with a decision. That way I can discern between what I desire and the way it may show up for me. There may be times when it is appropriate to just say, "NO," when I feel an uneasiness after going through this process. Some people refer to this as listening to the still small voice within or receiving a sign as to what action to take. It is important to give ourselves the time we need for that to occur. What situations have you found yourself in that would have benefited from tapping into the Universe and just saying, "NO," after taking the time to listen to the response?
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