Laugh at yourself

June 23, 2021

We can often take life too seriously. If you think carefully about what is happening during those moments, we are feeling a tremendous need to control what is happening around us for a specific result. It may be related to a transaction at work or trying to impress someone with your knowledge. Trying to control others by carefully crafting what we do and say is an illusion. What we are attempting to do at that moment is to restrict the other person's freedom of choice to act in the way that best suits our needs. Ask yourself how you would feel if someone was trying to do that to you. Lighten up. Be willing to be vulnerable and that includes the ability to laugh at yourself when you are in this mode. See the humor in the situation. Imagine that you are a ventriloquist and you have the other person sitting on your lap feeding them the words they speak. Or a puppeteer manipulating the strings of a marionette. Then see yourself as the object of manipulation and how silly you would look and act. There are countless ways to see ourselves through humor. When we do this we are more authentic and more attractive to others. What was happening the last time you laughed at yourself?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.