
December 4, 2020

As human beings we are programmed to learn. Throughout our day we are presented with opportunities to expand our knowledge of the world around us as well as furthering our understanding of ourselves. No matter what the circumstances you will take something away that will alter who you are. We tend to think of learning as associated with attending a formalized training such as school or a workshop. It also comes in the form of the many activities we engage in during our day. From the moment we awaken we are open to adjusting our thoughts and behaviors based on what is happening. We didn't give ourselves enough time to prepare for work and so we are running late. So we learn to give ourselves more time to accommodate dressing, eating, and other morning tasks. On our way to work we realize we forgot an important report and so we learn to pack it the night before. We speak to a customer service agent with respect and learn that this is an effective way to resolve a problem. Think of the number of opportunities you have during the day to learn. How many of them will you be conscious of and incorporate into how you better understand how you relate to the world?

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Ready to take your career into your own hands? Schedule a session with David to gain even more insight into getting the most fulfilling career for you. 

A reflection of a mountain in a lake.