Lemons or lemonade
Think back to a time when life was not going the way you wanted. Mine was in my late 20s. Every relationship I tried to start hit a brick wall, my job was no longer fulfilling, I was tired of having to endure the cold winters, and I needed to feel more in control of my life. At that point I totally surrendered, but probably not in the healthiest way. Within six months of what felt like the dark night of the soul, I was offered a job in the Southwest where there was plenty of sunshine, I developed new friendships, and I would be on my own to make my own decisions. I also was introduced to a new way of looking at life. Pieces of what have now become my understanding of the Law of Attraction began to enter my life. I doubt if I could have absorbed all that I know now had it been delivered in one large package. What I realize today is that all of the events that initially contributed to my pain and unrest, led me to the life I have at this moment. What I failed to see at the time was how all of these events were designed to lead me to where I am today. I learned that you can't make lemonade without lemons. Of course the other necessary ingredient is sugar which sweetens our harsh experiences and make them palatable. Together they create balance. How are you turning lemons into lemonade today?
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