Letting go of the outcome

March 25, 2024

Once you have set an intention it is necessary to release the outcome. It is easier than it sounds. We have so much invested in our intentions that we have a difficult time trusting that the universe will deliver on them. That trust is directly correlated to our human experiences that may have resulted in disappointment or betrayal. When this has occurred in the past, it is only natural to do what we can to exert control to make it happen. Counter intuitively this is the time to surrender control for the universe to deliver on those intentions. We don’t need to know the details of how the universe will deliver on what we ask. Think back to what was important to you at the time and recall how the universe responded. It may not have been immediate, but the response eventually appeared. Perhaps it wasn’t in the exact form we had imagined. Even no response can be a response. Getting exactly what we asked for may not have been what was best for us. Always add, “This or something better” to your intention. The “something better” can be beyond your wildest dream. What was an intention that you put out to the universe and how did letting go work for it to manifest?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.