Make my day
We create our day through the choices, both conscious and unconscious, that we make throughout the day. Those choices begin the moment we awaken. They determine the actions we take based upon what needs to be done. You may have a specific routine once you awaken or prefer to vary that based on your mood. You may have a work schedule that includes choices of the people and they ways in which you interact with them. You decide if you are going to have lunch at your desk or dine out with coworkers or friends. The list of choices goes on and on. At the same time you are being affected by the choices that those around you make. They may not be having the best of days and decide to vent their frustrations at you. You could choose to react in kind or take a moment to listen to what is bothering them. Yes, but what if something that you consider to be terrible occurs during your day? You still have choices as to how you deal with it and with your attitude towards it. What will you do to make today a day that brings a sense of well being?
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