Making it so
When we set an intention, it is done with the belief that it is now set in motion and will manifest in some form. In many cases it does require us to take action while allowing the Universe to take care of the outcome. For example, I sing in a large chorus. Our intention is to perform a specific one hour long choral work. What if all we each did was to set that intention and never show up to learn the music and rehearse? On the day of the concert all 200 of us would stand on the risers and attempt to do our best with little likelihood of producing a pleasing sound. What I do see is individuals who commit to learning their voice parts and how to create a unified sound. I sometimes marvel at the change between rehearsals until the performance when everything comes together with the single purpose of making it so. The process is true in how we exercise the Law of Attraction. We begin with an idea (an intention), inject emotion into it (excitement or enthusiasm), take action, and release the outcome or results to the Universe. There are times when the actions are predetermined like rehearsing for a concert. There are other times when we follow our internal guidance system to manifest our desires. What are you doing today to make your intentions so?
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