Moments to remember
Your life is filled with memorable moments. They begin the day you were born. There is the moment that you took your first steps allowing you the freedom to move through your environment. There are the first words you spoke to communicate your thoughts and your feelings. I know that I clearly recall my first day of school. Perhaps that was because I spent a good part of it in the corner. I think back to the first play I ever performed in and how much I enjoyed being in front of an audience. I remember learning to ride a bicycle and how many times I fell before I mastered the art of balancing it. The list of fond memories goes on and on. And of course there were the moments that I was not so fond of. They come with this thing we call life and serve to teach me that, without them, I would not be so appreciative of the many more that bring a sense of warmth and joy. Such moments are of a highly personal nature for each of us. Even when I am at a gathering in a room filled with people, no two will see it or remember it in the same way. What are the moments that you remember in your life?
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