No limits
When we consider using the principles of the Law of Attraction, we look at our current situation and ask ourselves how we would like life to be different. While we are encouraged to think big, we also must think about how such a change would impact our lives. If our experience is to live on a modest income, how would we handle winning millions of dollars in the lottery today? If this idea is beyond our comprehension, we may want to think about expanding our thoughts to attract enough income to move to the next level and spend some time there until we are ready to grow again. If we have no trouble adapting to a quantum leap of financial abundance, then the Universe can serve as a source for that to occur. This is true of any situation in our lives. When you look at why something you are asking for isn't manifesting itself, think about where you are in your belief around having that be a part of your world today. We know there are no limits to what the Universe provides, only what our thoughts prevent us from having or being. Where are you today in stretching your limits on what you can have or be?
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