No strings attached
A common acronym of the 21st century is WIIFM which stands for "What's In It For Me?" The message behind this question is that the person considering the proposition will not agree to participate unless there is a payoff accompanying it. There are times when we need to take an action for no other reason than it will make a difference in someone else's life. You offer to take an elderly neighbor to the grocery store. You allow space in a line of traffic for another driver to merge. You offer the person behind you at the grocery store with fewer items than you have to move in front of you in the checkout line. These are what we call random acts of kindness. There is no material payoff accompanying them nor any expectation of such. What you receive is a warm feeling knowing that you made a human connection. Perhaps the person for whom you did this will do the same for others leading to a chain reaction of caring and kindness in the world. Picture what that could look like. What is the last thing you did that had no strings attached and how did you feel afterwards?
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