Not so fast
While it would feel incredible to have our desires manifest themselves instantaneously, this most often isn’t the case. Begin by asking yourself what your life would be like should the manifestation occur. It may be related to a health issue, a financial concern, or a desire for a meaningful relationship. I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes a year ago. It was not what I was wanting to have present in my life. I consulted with a dietician and we came up with a plan to reverse it. It meant a significant change in my eating habits, exercise, and weight loss. It didn’t change overnight, but I just met with my primary care physician who proclaimed that I no longer carry that diagnosis. The change required me to take the steps to turn my situation around. We may not always understand the how that underlies the change. We only have to trust that it will be made evident to us if it serves our best interest. There will be other situations that will never manifest for some reason and we will need to accept that as well. What situation are you dealing with today that may require a period of time before you see your desire manifest itself?
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