Open to change
For our desires to manifest themselves it may be necessary to make some changes in our lives. We may have a story we tell about ourselves that we are reluctant to release. Perhaps it involves seeing ourselves as being less than others, a constant victim of circumstances, or prone to blaming those around us for what is happening in our lives. We will need to surrender those stories which only serve to keep us stuck in where we are now. What would your life look like if you told a different story? This action may require quite a bit of courage for we know what to do with what is familiar, and we may be fearful of the unknown that is attached to our new story. There is a new found sense of freedom once we adopt a different story and make the changes that support it. We will wonder why we ever held onto it for as long as we did. I was once told, "When we know better, we will do better." We can simply acknowledge our progress and move on with our lives. There is no need to judge ourselves for the past. What would your story be like if you created a new one and what changes would you need to make to live that life?
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