Progress, not perfection
We are constantly looking for ways to improve our lives. We read self-help and spiritual books, attend seminars, journal, and involve ourselves in numerous other activities to strive for a state of being that is most closely aligned to that which created us. In fact a term we commonly hear, sin, originally meant to miss the mark or target. When we experience feelings such as fear, anger, and hatred we know that we have veered in our path towards achieving what we were placed on this planet to do. We have the option to self-correct based on those feelings and continue our growth towards happiness, joy, and freedom. We don't need to spend a great deal of time berating ourselves for our errors and imperfections. Instead we take the lessons learned and apply them to future situations assured that we are right where we are supposed to be today. We release the past knowing that it is essential to our present journey and a happier, more fulfilling future. What are you doing today that shows the progress you are making in your life?
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