Prosperity abounds
I find that, when I am open to having prosperity and financial abundance in my life, it comes in all shapes, sizes, and directions. I may receive an unsolicited gift card from a place where I shop, a discount on a service or product, or a new client. The less I attempt to manipulate the situation to bring this about, the greater the likelihood of its occurrence. When I become worried or fearful that financial abundance is not forthcoming, I remind myself that the Universe is the source of abundance, not a human being or a situation. The Universe is the source of unlimited abundance and is so open to sharing it freely. It is at this point that my vibrational level increases and attracts more abundance to correspond with it. Any fears that I have around financial insecurity pass and are replaced with a strong belief in the Universe/God as my provider. Then I get to move through my day experiencing evidence of my belief. How does prosperity show up in your life today?
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