Pushing through resistance
There are times in our lives when we face difficult decisions. Either our head or our heart is telling us that something needs to change. In times such as these we need to stop and take stock of what we need to move forward. Do we need more information regarding the facts of the situation? What is important to us in what we value on life and how does this situation reflect those values? What would be the impact of this decision on today's circumstances? How might choosing this action have consequences for the future? Does this situation sound familiar and what did I do in the past to resolve it? We seek guidance from the Universe and those around us. If we are open to what they have to tell us, we will receive our answers that will assist in pushing us through our resistance. Once we make our decision we need to act on it and move on knowing that there is nothing we can do to change the past. We may find that there are still additional actions to be taken before the situation has closure and we will know what to do. The important thing to remember is that we don't have to do this in isolation. All of the resources we need are available to us for the asking. What decisions are you facing today and what do you need to move forward?
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