Retrain your brain

December 2, 2019

It is estimated that the brain generates about 50,000 thoughts each day. Your brain is working 24/7 whether you are aware of it or not. Much of our thought processes occur at the subconscious level. This is often referred to as our self talk. It is based on our beliefs and attitudes about ourselves. We judge our thoughts and actions and send the accompanying messages to the brain where it is stored. It serves as the basis for what we attract in our lives. Psychology refers to this as self-fulfilling prophecy and shows up as "See. I told you so." Negative self-thinking attracts negative experiences while positive self-thinking does the opposite. It isn't easy to change our negative thinking but it is possible. It begins with an awareness of our current thought patterns and their effect. We can then alter those thought patterns and look for evidence of how that is working. Begin by changing your "I can'ts" into "I cans." Take small steps for making that your new reality and celebrate what your new life looks like. What are you doing today to retrain your brain for a happier, more productive life that is your birthright?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.