Right before your eyes
Do you ever find yourself seeking happiness in some future event? You might be saying to yourself, "I'll be happy when I land the perfect job or find someone to love me." You place your well-being in the hands of an external situation delaying it indefinitely. In the meantime you plod through the day hoping for that magic moment to materialize. In reality the source of your happiness is staring you in the face every time you look in the mirror. Your happiness begins and ends with you. It is when you learn to fully love yourself and all that it entails that the rest of the world responds accordingly. Prepare to have a love affair with yourself. Do all the things for yourself that you would want a romantic partner to do for you. That starts with telling yourself constantly how much you love you. It may sound a little contrived, but what do you have to lose? How can you expect the world to deliver on what you desire if you think you are only second rate? As your love for yourself grows, it will spread to those around you. You may find yourself acting in ways that are new to you. At the end of your day, look in the mirror and express your love and appreciation to you for just being you. What do you say when you look in the mirror and how can you express that in growing that love for you?
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