Sooner or later

August 20, 2021

How long are you willing to wait for what life has to offer? What you seek is available for the asking. What is it that you are currently focused on? How is that showing up in your life today? If your thoughts center on what is lacking, you will attract more of what supports lack in your life. If you are focused on what you already have that is good knowing that you can have this and more, then more that is good will come your way. Only you know what constitutes this in your life. When you look at what you have to be grateful for today, more is present to be grateful for tomorrow. How long are you willing to put off what can bring you happiness, joy, and freedom? What obstacles prevent you from attaining those results? You can choose to think big or think small. You will not be disappointed in the outcome based on this. Are you ready and open to what you deserve in life today or are you postponing it to sometime in the future?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.