Spring arrives
Today is officially the first day of Spring. We approach Spring as a time of rebirth and a renewal of hope. For me it is also the anniversary of my mother's death. What we know is that birth and death are forever present. They are the beginnings and endings of life, ideas, and civilizations. What I remember about my mother was that she loved springtime, especially living back east where snow covered the ground most of the winter. We talk among my siblings as to how her death on this day seemed to be part of her plan for making her transition. The day of her funeral the sun shone warmly and early Spring flowers were in bloom. I commented to my older brother that our mother would have loved this day. Each year when Spring arrives I am reminded of my mother's passing with only fond memories. Did we have the perfect relationship without ever a time of disagreeing? No, but I can choose to think of what was right between us and hold that truth. When I do this I can welcome the arrival of Spring in a positive way in honor of my mother's love for this time of year. What are you doing today to herald the arrival of a time of rebirth?
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