Star power
When a star reaches the end of its life, it explodes as a supernova. When this occurs it sends forth all of the elements found on our planet today. That includes all the elements that comprise living matter. What this means is that each of us is composed of the raw materials emitted by stars that existed somewhere in the universe. Think of the incredible power that star generated during its lifetime and know that you contain a portion of that energy within you. This is but another example of your magnificence. Someday our own sun will reach its expiration date and contribute to life somewhere in the universe. Within our own galaxy this has been happening for billions of years. When you look up into the night sky, imagine the millions of twinkling stars to be the future parents of all that is around us. They carry out the role they were assigned without question. Like us they have a beginning, a middle, and an end to their existence, but the energy that is within them will continue through time. We share the same destiny as the stars in the heavens. That is our star power. What are you doing to acknowledge your star power today?
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